Remodeling of volleyball courts in Luis Alfonso Velásquez Flores park

Guaranteeing the right to sports and recreation for the capital's families, in addition to keeping the sports infrastructure in good condition, the Good Government, renovated the indoor volleyball courts in the Luis Alfonso Velásquez Flores park.

This work for the common good had an investment of 680 Thousand Córdobas, with which the acrylic floor was installed in the 2 volleyball courts, where a new special paint was applied, indicated by international standards; This work guarantees better performance for the courts, as well as for the athletes, facilitating their movements without exposing them to falls.

These fields were built in 2014 and are part of the second construction phase of the Luis Alfonso Velázquez Flores park, which in its entirety has an area of 18 blocks, making it the largest park in Central America.

The indoor volleyball courts were inaugurated and handed over to the community by Reyna Rueda, Mayor of the Citizen Power of Managua, who expressed the Good Government's commitment to keeping the sports areas in optimal condition for the enjoyment of the capital's families.

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